Automating Rmarkdown Reporting

I just completed a project to learn the basics of automating reporting using Rmarkdown. The github pages link is here and the github repo link is here.

In the project, Jingjing Li and I automated data exploration and predictive modeling on the bike sharing data set and automated reports for each day of the week.

With the project completed, I would like to reflect on the experience.

  • What would I do differently?
    • Develop a schedule with my partner to reduce the likelihood of merge conflicts.
    • Take the time to learn how to solve merge conflicts.
  • What was the most difficult part of the project?
    • Have I mentioned merge conflicts?
    • Additionally, getting the plots for the automated .md files to render was a headache.
  • What are my big take-aways from this project?
    • I need to learn how projects that have multiple people working on the same branch avoid and resolve merge conflicts efficiently. Iā€™m used to working on my own branch and rolling my changes into the main branch once I hit a development milestone. I need to be able to work collaboratively both ways.


Written on July 10, 2021